Dallas Cowboys Mr. Tramps Sports Pub and Cafe is a official meet up spot for Cowboys fans in Austin.
Pittsburgh Steelers- They have a stronghold of fandom here in Austin. Places that standout are: The Tavern, The Texas Sports Palace, Shiner’s Saloon, Bikini’s Sports Bar & Grill, and surprisingly AMF Showplace Lanes.
Cleveland Browns- Despite years of futility, there are still plenty of Browns fans. They can be found at official Brown Backers bar, Aussie’s Bar and Grill.
New Orleans Saints- The Shoal Creek Saloon has a freaking customized VW Bug sized Saints football helmet on its roof. They really let you know that watch the Saints games at their bar.
Chicago Bears- The Tavern is the official meet up spot for Bears fans in Austin.
Green Bay Packers- The are two places to go to be surrounded by Cheeseheads, you can pick Cain & Able’s on West Campus or Billy’s on Burnet.